Monday, May 27, 2013


Magu ni Wilaya Yetu, Magu ni Kwetu.

Haya ni Mazingira ya Stand Magu

Pengine haya siyo mazingira mageni kwako kama ni Mwanamagu. Lakini la msingi sana ni Taswira ya Mji wetu wa Magu. Taswira ya mji wowote hapa nchi kwetu ni mazingira ya safi hasa ya kituo cha mabasi au stand ambapo ndipo wageni wengi hufikia kabla ya kuingia maeneo mengine ya Mji. 

Hiki ni choo cha Kulipia Magu
Vituo vingi vya mabasi maarufu kama Bus Stand vilivyopo kote nchini havina budi kuwa na vyoo bora ikiwa ni pamoja na mazingira ya vituo hivyo kuwa safi wakati wote. Hii inatokana na ukweli kwamba wasafiri wengi wanaotoka maeneo mbalimbali wanaopita kwenye vituo hivyo inawalazimu watumie vyoo kwa ajili ya haja ndogo au kubwa.

Mazingira ya Nje Choo cha Magu Bus Stand

Wakati huo huo, katika vituo vingi vya mabasi, vinauzwa vyakula na vinywaji mbalimbali, kwa maana ya vile vya migahawani na vyakula vinavyouzwa na wafanyabiashara wadogo wadogo mikononi. Kutokana na fursa hii, ni dhahiri kuwa wasafiri wengi wanaopita kwenye kituo cha mabasi Magu, ambao wengi wao ni Watanzania wenzetu, inawalazimu kutumia vyoo ili kukidhi haja walizokuwa nazo.

Kwa maana hiyo vituo vingi vya mabasi hapa nchini vimejengwa kwa minajili ya kuwa na vyoo ili kuwafanya wasafiri, wasipate taabu pale watakapojisikia kushikwa na haja ya kutembelea vyooni. Kwa mfano ukitembelea baadhi ya Wilaya Tanzania hii, utajionea sehemu nyingi zenye mazingira mazuri na masafi ya vyoo.Wilaya ya Nyamagana, Same, Nzega, Maswa kwa kutaja chache wako juu sana kwenye suala la usafi wa vyoo.

Haya ni Matenki ya Kuhifadhia Maji ambayo hata hivyo hayatoshi

Katika Wilaya yetu ya Magu, yaani Magu Stand kuna choo kimoja ambacho hali yake ya usafi hairidhishi kabisa. Pamoja na ukweli kwamba wasafiri wengi sana hupitiia kwenye kituo hiki, tatizo linakuja pale abiria au msafiri, anaposhikwa na haja, inabidi aende msalani lakini kwa shingo upande.

Ni haki ya wanamagu, watanzania na wasafiri wote wanaopita Magu Stand kuwekewa mazingira safi ya choo ikiwemo kuwepo kwa maji ya kutosha ili kuwafanya wajisikie huru, pindi haja zitakapo washika wanapokuwa safarini au kwa wale wanaoshinda wakifanya shughuli zao mbalimbali pale Stand.

Choo cha Magu kinavyoonekana kwa Nje

Kwa upande mwingine, kwa kuwa vyoo hivi vimepewa watu binafsi kuviendesha au kusimamia, basi watu hao wana wajibu wa kuvitunza kwa kuvisafisha kiukweli kabisa ili uchafu unaoonekana kung’ang’ania kwenye kuta uondoke na kuacha mazingira safi. Ni aibu kuwa mkusanya pesa pekee badala ya kukusanya sehemu ya pesa hiyo wakati huo ukiwekeza kwenye usafi wa choo chenyewe.

Hali kadhalika kutokana na umuhimu huo, halmashauri ya wilaya ya Magu, inastahili kubeba lawama kwa upande mwingine kutokana na ulegevu wao katika kulisimamia hili.

Maji safi na salama ndilo tatizo kuu hasa kuhusu upaikanaji wake. Mapendekezo ya watu wa afya ni kuwa ni lazima kuwe na vyanzo vya kutosha vya maji kwa kuwa maji mengi sana hutumika kusafirisha vinyesi na mkojo. Kwa hiyo kwa vyovyote vile ni lazima kuwe na vihifadhio vya maji ya kutosha ili kuwezesha kukusanya maji ya kutosha kwa kazi hiyo.

Hii ni chema katika choo hicho

Utupaji wa kinyesi ulio salama kama kanuni za afya zinavyoelekeza huweza kusaidia kujikinga na maradhi mbalimbali ya kuambukiza na ya milipuko ambayo husababishwa na vimelea vinavyosababisha maradhi hayo, vikitokea kwenye kinyesi au mkojo.

Magonjwa hayo ambayo wanamagu, watanzania na wasafiri wanaweza kuyapata kutokana na hali hiyo ni pamoja na yale yanayosababishwa na bakteria, kama vile kipindupindu, typhoid, kuhara, kuhara damu, na mengine. 

Pia kuna yanayosababishwa na virusi kama vile kupooza (Poliomyelitis), yapo pia yanayosababishwa na protozoa kama Amoeba na mwisho ni yale ya minyoo mbalimbali na kichocho. Hivyo utupaji wa kinyesi unaofuata kanuni za afya ni wa muhimu sana ili kuwalinda wanamagu wote hasa wanaotumia vyoo hivyo.

Uchafu wa mazingira kwenye kituo chetu cha basi cha Magu utatusababishia magonjwa katika jamii, ili kuepuka uchafuzi wa mazingira kwenye kituo hatuna budi kuzingatia, misingi ya afya binafsi, usafi wa mazingira na, kuhakikisha uchafu hauzagai ovyo.

Sehemu ya kujisaidia haja ndogo(Mkojo)

Hii ni sehemu ya kuosha mikono ambayo nayo haina muonekano wa usafi chooni hapo

Hii ni sehemu ya kujisaidia haka kubwa (Kinyesi) ya choo cha Magu Bus Stand

Taasisi husika zikishirikiana na vyombo vya habari vichukue jukumu la kuelimisha wasimamizi na watumiaji wakubwa wa vyoo hasa pale wilayani ili kuwahamasisha na kushirikiana na jamii katika masuala ya usafi wa mazingira yote ya Stand Magu.

Ikumbukwe kwamba kinga ni bora kuliko tiba, hivyo juhudi za makusudi hazina budi kufanywa ili kuondosha kabisa tatizo hili lenye athari kubwa ki afya na mazingira kwa ujumla. Tukiamua tunaweza kabisa kufanikisha hili, wala hatuhitaji mjomba toka nje.

“Pamoja Tunajenga Magu yenye Maendeleo Endelevu”

Monday, May 20, 2013

Five Arrested With Explosives in Dar es Salaam

Five people were arrested Thursday in Dar es Salaam with explosive materials in their possession, Tanzanian police said Saturday (May 18th).
"Five people were arrested the day before yesterday [Thursday] in possession of explosives after a tip-off from patriotic citizens," Dar es Salaam Special Zone Commander Suleiman Kova told AFP.
Asked if there was a link between the arrests and the May 5th bombing at a church in Arusha, Kova said, "Investigations are continuing into why these people had explosives and where they intended to take them."
The suspects are Juma Khalfani, 24, Reuben Patrick, 26, Happy Charles, 28, Sadick Seif, 32, and Iddi Shaban, 40, all residents of Kunduchi Mtongani area, Kova said according to Tanzania's The Guardian. They had in their possession wires connected to dry cells, a detonator, tubes, cables and other explosive materials, he said.
The materials could cause severe damage to people and property if assembled together, but the same devices could also be used in mining activities, the police commander said.

Oil, Gas Exploration Bids to Open Next Year


THE Minister for Energy and Minerals, Prof Sospeter Muhongo, has said the government will open bids for gas and oil exploratory licences on May 9, 2014 at a time when the country will have the Natural Gas Policy and legislation.

He told Members of Parliament here during a seminar on the sector that it would be ready after Parliament would have approved both policy and legislation.

He was allaying fears from some leaders that the Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) had announced last week that Tanzania plans to offer seven deep offshore blocks and one onshore block in October for oil and gas exploration at a time when there was no policy and legislation to oversee the sector.
Prof Muhongo made the comments as MPs were giving views on the third draft of the Natural Gas Policy for Tanzania 2013. He said it was important to advertise for blocks as Tanzania was in competition for investors with other countries like Mozambique.
He said it is envisioned that oil production will reduce significantly during the next 50 to 70 years. He said it was the reason major energy firms globally have shifted their attention to natural gas as they are conducting exploratory activities in various countries. "So if we say we should not advertise our exploratory blocks today, we will only invite them at a time when they have had enough of it somewhere else," said Prof Muhongo.

He said Tanzania has fast track the process because several companies in the US are currently exploring for Shale Gas. Shale gas is natural gas that is found trapped within shale formations.
"This also raises the need for Tanzania to develop its natural gas before the US finds enough Shale Gas because the world's largest economy is also one of the major markets for the hydrocarbon substance, in fact, the global fear now is that the USA may soon stop importing natural gas," he said.
The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, Mr Eliakim Maswi, said Nigeria had some 180 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of natural gas until 2012. However, said Mr Maswi, latest data show that Mozambique now has 200 tcf while Tanzania has some 42 tcf.

"What people should know is that most of Mozambique's gas has been found along the Ruvuma Coast to the border with Tanzania... . It is a technical suicide to say we have to delay the process," said Prof Muhongo, assuring MPs that no poor contract will ever be signed during all the time that he will be in charge of the energy and minerals docket.

Kenya, he said, is yet another reason for Tanzania to speed up its pace, saying East Africa's largest economy is currently prospecting for natural gas and that it has found some two tcf.

Tanzanian Journalists Urged to Report On Human Rights Issues

The European Union's Ambassador to Tanzania Filiberto Ceriani Sebregondi urged journalists to be well informed on various human rights issues in order to report on violations and stop the vice from spreading, Tanzania's The Guardian reported Saturday (May 18th).
Sebregondi spoke at a journalists' training session at the weekend organised by Tanzania's Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) in co-operation with the European Union. A group of 49 journalists from across Tanzania attended.
Human rights are vital, Sebregondi said, especially the right to worship and for decent employment. He said it was important for journalists to remember all segments of the population, especially disadvantaged groups such as women, children and persons with disabilities.
The training was designed to acquaint journalists with human rights issues across the country, and allow them to share their varied experiences, said LHRC training facilitator Harold Sungusia.
Journalists play a key role in giving voice to the voiceless, he said, so the training will act as an important tool for reporting human rights violations.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Graphics/Web Designer
Employer: Global Brandbucket Consulting
Areas: Arusha
Application Deadline: May 24, 2013
Status: Permanent contract
Department: Services
Purpose of Position:
To work alongside Business Development manager in a tactically oriented function to meet the graphic/web design needs of our technology clients. The Company seeks a competent and creative designer that consults with client organizations to determine visual requirements that support organizational business goals. The candidate will need to be bright, imaginative, and a capable designer with strong communication skills specifically seeking a smaller environment to work with as a consultant.
The Designer is responsible for the creation of all online visual design, including typography, visual concept, web, E-marketing, logo and icon design for the Internet and interactive platforms. They effectively communicate and coordinate with the information architect, writer and production artists to ensure that the visual design communicates the desired message, and functions successfully for varying technical and performance specifications. The candidate must be capable of leading the creative aspects of a project and have demonstrated strong business acumen.
Minimum of 1 year experience as a graphic designer in the following areas: Interactive, agency creative and graphic design
Minimum of 1 year of experience in Web design and online marketing
Fluency in current graphic design practices and web production software, such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe after Effects
Ability to create superior, original designs for the Web

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Community Relations Manager – (One Post)
Employer: African Barrick Gold (ABG)
Areas: Bulyanhulu, Shinyanga
Application Deadline: June 07, 2013
Position Description:
African Barrick Gold (ABG) is a leading gold mining company, listed in the London Stock Exchange. It is the largest gold mining company in Tanzania with a portfolio of four operating gold mines, Bulyanhulu, North Mara, Tulakawa and the Buzwagi and several exploration and development projects, located across Tanzania.
African Barrick Gold (ABG) seeks to appoint dedicated, self motivated and highly organized Community Relations Manager and Environmental Manager to work in the Community Relations and Environmental Departments respectively at Bulyanhulu Mine site (BGML).
The Community Relations Manager will be responsible to manage social investment funds for BGML and advice on social responsibility and community development issues and to liaise with communities, development partners and various tiers of government. To build and protect the reputation of BGML through communicating with key stakeholders on BGML'ssocial responsibilities_
Reporting Line: General Manager
Work Schedule: 6 weeks on; 3 weeks off
Essential Duties and Responsibilities
Management of BGML's social development program through the design and development of community programs that are sustainable, and provide advice to management on sustainable development policies
Represent BGML management on Village and District planning and decision-making committees
Represent BGML management on related policy development committees within the social development sector in Tanzania


Program Coordinator
Employer: Walter Reed Program – Tanzania
Areas: Tanzania
Application Deadline: May 24, 2013
Duties and responsibilities:
The fast-paced environment of WRP requires employees to be organized, flexible, and detail-oriented and to work at an above average pace. All staff must possess excellent verbal and written communication skills, organizational skills, and analytical and problem-solving abilities. The program Coordinator shall:
Offer direct support to the Program Director to enable him to fulfill his executive obligations;
Assist the Program Director in internal and partner communication;
Collect background materials and assist in writing program reports and proposals;
Effectively prioritize project tasks and schedules;
Work with program team member(s) to coordinate program activities and to ensure that timetables are met;
Participate in professional development activities through attendance at educational meetings and programs, review of professional literature and other related activities;
Provide technical assistance / capacity building to the WRP partners;
Deal with logistics like arranging for meetings, flights, accommodation, shipping reagents and other program stuff to Mbeya;
Manage the Dar office operations including petty cash;
Perform other duties as shall be required and directed by the Program Director